5 ways to help someone who stutters

If you’re someone who doesn’t stutter, you might have a number of questions about what to do when talking to someone who does, and how you can best help them. If you’re worried you might offend them, or you’re unsure of the best way to phrase a question, then read on.

5 ways you can help our charity that aren’t just donating money

As a charity, a lot of what makes our world go around is the support we receive from the community – but there’s a misconception that to help a charity you need to donate money. We’re here to dispel the rumours, and show you 5 ways you can support us without donating money!

Why don’t we stutter when we sing?

Have you ever noticed that you don’t stutter when you sing?
Or if you’re a person who doesn’t stutter, have you ever wondered why you’ve never heard someone stutter while singing?
Read on to find out why.

Stuttering in the School Playground

Why you might see a change in your child’s stutter as school begins again

Oftentimes changes in routine can be a trigger for children who stutter, as stress is likely to bring about communication difficulties for everyone.