The Lidcombe Program is a treatment tool for Speech Language Therapists to teach parents

speech therapy group stutteringThis workshop (delivered via four online modules) is designed for speech language therapists who are interested in using the Lidcombe Program. The workshop will include short lectures, small and large group activities, viewing and discussion of clinic visit videos, and case discussions. The workshops will be facilitated by Dr Anna Hearne.

2024 Schedule:
In 2024 we are offering two Lidcombe Program workshops (one in June and one in October).

Dates: Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th June 2024
Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th June 2024
Time: 1:00 to 4:30 pm each day
Venue: Online via Zoom

Dates: Monday 14th & Tuesday 15th October 2024
Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd October 2024
Time: 1:00 to 4:30 pm each day
Venue: Online via Zoom

Cost: $540.00 per person (this includes workshop manual and certificate)

Please write in the message which course you are interested in:


Feedback from 2023 attendees

"I thought that the information was set out clearly, and each part was supported by a case example (or multiple) and usually a discussion. The discussions in the breakout rooms were useful as we were with different people every time and were able to hear from people with a variety of experiences and knowledge/ideas. Anna was great at responding to questions and had clear explanations about each part of the content. Thankyou very much!"

"A really well organised and informative PD. Anna gave a wonderful interactive presentation and was very approachable to answer all questions. Thank you!"

"Anna was wonderful. It was great to have a PD that was so grounded in practical experience. Really appreciated the real-life examples from the videos too!"

"I learned a lot through Anna's sharing, anecdotes and videos, and definitely feel confident about proceeding with Lidcombe as a treatment for stuttering. The frequent breaks were very helpful as well!"

"Really enjoyed watching exemplar videos and engaging in reflective discussions around case studies in break-out groups. Anna clearly communicated the information and provided access to a surplus of resources."

"Thanks, it's a great training package and I like that the material is updated as new research is done. Anna has years of experience delivering the training and working with children and this made the training flow well."

"Anna was a fantastic presenter - she was so knowledgeable and passionate about the topic. I appreciated her pace of the material and I also thought the amount of breakout room practice time was perfect. A very enjoyable PD thanks."

"Anna did an excellent job of delivery. When videos didn't play she was always so calm and made the training seamless. The 10 minute break every hour was necessary to take a break from the computer screen and stretch. Thank you."