Mentoring is a great way to learn from a person who stutters and grow confidence

It's well known that stuttering can have a negative impact on one's life, particularly with regards to self-esteem. But with the wide range of therapy, techniques, and support available today we can work with you to help you reduce the impact of your stutter and live a confident life. 

START is proud to have developed the Pilot Mentoring Programme in conjunction with Wendy Baker from the New Zealand Coaching and Mentoring Centre (NZCMC) - a world first.

Mentoring is a supportive learning relationship which supports an individual to reflect and learn from their experiences. We've seen great success with the programme, where clients have expressed increased confidence, less anxiety, becoming more open about stuttering and in some cases a changed perspective of stuttering.


Mentoring programme

(delivered in conjunction with the New Zealand Coaching and Mentoring Centre)

Developed in 2014 the programme matches a current client with a mentor. START mentors are past clients who come from a variety of professional backgrounds. Mentors are given professional development on coaching and meet regularly with their mentee.

Join our mentoring programme

Take control of your stutter and find support from people that have been in the same position as you. Our mentor programme offers a unique therapy experience, where you'll gain techniques, skills, and lasting relationships.

The START mentor programme is only available to a limited number of clients. If you'd like to be involved, either as a mentor or mentee, get in touch with us today to secure the next available place.